To: All CAHA Member Associations
Re: CAHA Permitted Tryout Dates Postponement
Dated: 5/16/20

This letter shall serve as notice that pursuant to the CAHA Board of Directors Special Meeting held on May 16, 2020, the Directors voted in the following 2020-2021 CAHA tryout calendar updates;

Provided that Shelter in Place restrictions applicable to ice rinks/youth hockey are lifted statewide, Tier 1 Tryouts shall be permitted Not Earlier Than 8/14/20.

Provided that Shelter in Place restrictions applicable to ice rinks/youth hockey are lifted statewide, Tier 2 Tryouts shall be permitted Not Earlier Than 8/21/20.

Provided that Shelter in Place restrictions applicable to ice rinks/youth hockey are lifted statewide, A/BB/B/HS Tryouts shall be permitted Not Earlier Than 8/28/20.

*On June 20th after USA Hockey’s National Congress CAHA will make a decision to permit team formation of Tier 1 National Bound teams prior to a physical tryout, and such decision will be issued immediately.

CAHA would like to remind all players/parents that USA Hockey insurance coverages do not extend to injuries/claims arising from participation in non-USA Hockey sanctioned events (private lessons, clinics, etc).

Thomas Hancock

Cc: D. Bigelow, SCAHA; M. Blanchart, ADHSHL; S. Galaviz, SHSHL; D. Granata, NORCAL; M. Petrovich, LAKHSHL;

(posted 5/16/2020)


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